‘The Sopranos’: citatos, iš kurių išeis atpažinti save bei savo gyvenimą

  • “Thank god, I really didn’t wanna hang in over your birthday” “Look, can we forget already that it’s my birthday?” “You say that and then you get upset no one makes a fuss!”
  • “Speaking of kids and ma… Sandy said something interesting. That when we were babies, everything was fine, then ma couldn’t stand it as her babies got older and they got separated from her,  and when they started to talk and express ideas – that’s when the trouble started.”
  • “Listen to us! Morbid fucks…”
  • “You know what, Tony? Fuck the fuck out!” “Oh, in front of the baby?!”
  • “Oh… how was her name, Tony?” “Your ass.”
  • “That verbal diarrhea, you got something in that head of yours, Janice…”
  • “You two have a fight?” “I don’t know!”
  • “All in all. We’re lucky fucks. I tell myself that everyday.”
  • “Psychologically, one of persons told that dying is the ultimate loss of control.” <…> I do know he is a leader. I suspect smoking on some level is an attempt to die as he lived. In total control.”
  • “My weakness. Sometimes I think it’s in my DNA.”
  • “I know, but… this is what life’s still like? At our age?!”
  • “You seem good, Junior, I gotta say.” “Fuck does that mean, I’m fuckin’ incarcerated, for Christ’s sake.”
  • “Sick fucking world.”
  • “Oh, Madonn. He pisses in bed now? Jesus Christ fucking kill me now!”
  • “Corrado, how are you doing today?” “I’m dying slow death, that’s how I am doing.”
  • “That never works. She should just get him a dog.”[apie neklusnaus sūnaus siuntimą į karo mokyklą]
  • “Tony, you always have your business on your mind. Take a night. Smell the cognac!”
  • “You gotta act like it hurt a little more, you know. For your guys.”
  • “Your family’ had enough shame. You should set things right.”
  • “You see, how these Italians work. For the most part okay. Get them cornered – you’re dealing with nothing more than an animal.”
  • “Tragedy. Like a pebble in a lake. Even the fish feel it.”
  • “I love you.” I love you, too, Anthony. But I don’t know… maybe I don’t.”
  • “So your solutions is risk more and make things even worse?”
  • “You eat and you play, like there’s not a giant piano hanging by a rope just over the top of your head every minute of every day.”
  • “I know this is hard for you to believe, but food may not be the answer for every problem.” “Neither is acting like a little whiny bitch.“
  • “When I was using I was a disgrace, when I am sober I’m a drip. The fuck you want from me?”
  • “She was my life!” “You’re 20 years old, you barely have a life!”
  • “What you’re going through, what you’re feeling it right now… it happens sometimes. Everybody gets the blues… There’s a half-a-billion industry devoted to it!” “What, prozac?” “No, the music business. They write thousands of songs about this shit.”
  • “Listen, these fucking women… they’ll drive you nuts with your emotions and whatnots…”
  • “Majoring in cash, minoring in ass!”
  • “Obviously, I’m prone to depression. A certain black attitude about the world, but I know I can handle it. Your kids, though… It’s like when they’re little, and they get sick, you’d give anything in the world to trade places with them so they don’t have to suffer. And then to think you’re the cause of it.” “How are you the cause of it?” “It’s in his blood, this miserable fucking existence. My rotten fucking putrid genes have infected kid’s soul. That’s my gift to my son.”
  • “Pours you drink with one hand, judges you with the other if you take it.”
  • “I can’t go in particulars, but… wise girlfriends – they can complicate life in a major way.”
  • “How are you handling all this?” “Worst part? Truthfully? Is that I gotta sit there with people who ARE hurt. Bad. And I gotta have the long face in the silent in the platitude… but I don’t feel it. And that makes me feel like a hypocrite. And that makes me melt it down.”
  • “How are you hanging in, Paulolucc’?” “As well as it can be expected.”
  • “She doesn’t know… Isn’t God wonderful that way.”
  • “You sound depressed again.” “I mean, how can anybody not be? You have to be fucking nuts not to be! You have to have your head so far of your ass that you couldn’t see your own stupid face!” “What are you specifically talking about?” “Everything’s so fucked up…“
  • “For 20 years, he won’t crack a book, all of a sudden he’s the world’s foremost authority!”
  • “You don’t look so good.” “Ugh… this job!”
  • “We’d like to show you some pictures.” “Angelina Jolie I hope”
  • “The grieving process – it takes time. The closer you are to somebody.”
  • “A point where business bleeds into other shit, feelings make things financially unfeasible.”
  • “Do you have a problem?” “Not yet. Would you like one?”
  • „Essentially, it concludes that talk-therapy while not only being useless with sociopaths, actually serves to validate them. Yochelson says they sharpen their skills as conmen on their therapists.”
  • “It’s always what you think, isn’t it? It’s never how I feel!”
  • “This is gonna sound stupid. But I saw at one point that our mothers are… they’re bus drivers. They’re – no, they are the bus. See, they’re the vehicle that gets us here. They drop us off and go on their way. They continue on their journey. And the problem is that we keep trying to get back on the bus, instead of just letting it go.”
  • “Uncle Philly!” “Uncly Philly my ass.”
  • “What is this fascination with criminals?” “Rescue fantasy. They think they can fix them.”
  • “So the boy who never cared now cares about too much? And the daughter now like all females ultimately disappoints?” –
  • “What do you want from me? I am depressed.” “You wanna hear depressed? $36,000 for that car!”
  • “You’re not getting another one!” “Actually, that’s good. It’ll force me to take the bus.” “What?!” “We have to break our dependence on foreign oil.” – ep 21
  • “These are snakes with fur. The old Italians will tell you – you can’t even put them around a baby!” [apie katiną]
  •  “This fucking animal is history. Pick him up!”
  • “Maybe the army’d be great for him if there wasn’t a war going on.”
  • “Sometimes you tell a lie so long, you don’t know when to stop. You don’t know when it’s safe.”
  • “I miss you.” “I don’t wanna know you. I don’t wanna hear your voice. Don’t call me again.”
  • “You think my life’s a fucking picnic?”


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