‘The Sopranos’: citatos, iš kurių išeis atpažinti save bei savo gyvenimą

  • “Nothing Christmas ham couldn’t fix.”
  • “Ho fucking ho”
  • “Shyness is a curse.”
  • “In the end, fuck Santa Claus.” –
  • “You bullshit me and you betray my daughter!”
  • “Family. Nothing is more important.”
  • “If I wanted to be treatred like shit, I’d get married.”
  • “Victory has many fathers but defeat is an orphan.”
  • “Who cares about shit they don’t have the balls to say to your face?”
  • “The one thing, the one thing, Ralph, that you cannot do, is blame yourself.”
  • “Just another Irina with a college degree.”
  • “The expiration date on your bullshit was last week.”
  • “It’s all i got, pal. Time.”
  • “If she keeps regressing, she’ll get back in the womb.”
  • “You are the dad. The template for all the future lovers.”
  • “Making her happy wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world of my career.”
  • “Blow off their self-esteem issues.”
  • “If they say spaghetti and meatballs, you tell them orecchiette with broccoli raab.”
  • “Mussolini was Hitler’s bitch”
  • “We’re the victims here.” “Oh you write a check, too?”
  • “God give me the strength” “She will.”
  • “This is a major PR boner.”
  • “So you finally read a book and it’s bullshit.”
  • “Somebody’s talking too much. And it’s costing me money.”
  • “So much love for her, such complete and pure emotion. I felt unworthy to even be in his presence. I was so moved by him.”
  • “You saw in this man the things that you want in your life. Truth. Love.”
  • “Speak the truth. But with the compassion and respect <…>. And say goodbye. For his sake and as well as yours”
  • “Senior year. There’s something about that light at the end of the light that can be very frightening.”
  • “God, listen to you. Believe it or not, the world does not revolve around you.”
  • “I’m so bored I feel like crying”
  • “Times like this, I remember when I lost Mikey. It’s impossible to think about food. But like the President says – we have to keep going. The family’s gotta eat.”
  • “The way they medicate kids these days is the answer for everything! And then they wonder why teenagers get hooked on drugs”
  • “And tell that midget not to be shy with that whip.” “If only his mother had taken that advice.”
  • “Each of us is alone in the fucking universe.”
  • “Jesus, Mary and Joseph.”
  • “I love you so much.” “So if you love me, stir my eggs, okay?”
  • “It’s a beautiful day in the neighbourhood. And I gotta rot in that courtroom.”
  • “The greatest cultural centre in the world, and you came here for sex?”
  • “They miss a payment, they start  acting like they’re doing you a favor if they give you anything. And then you gotta spend all your time hounding them. You gotta get your arms around this thing. Now.”
  • “You fucking French fucking lying cocksucker!”
  • “Can’t you come and talk to me? Hey, hey, I’m you friend! Suppose you hadn’t reached me and I come to your house and I find you dead. How am I supposed to feel?!”
  • “Please, I don’t blame you – I envy you.”
  • “Is that the kind of  person I am? A hawk? That’s an animal!”
  • “One suicide is bad enough, but two? They can both go and fuck themselves.”
  • “Sometimes there’s money in shit.”
  • “All right, all right. Take it easy. It’s in ancient history”
  • “The heart also wants what the dick wants.”
  • “Eat my dust, Donald Trump”
  • “It’s good that you’re sorry but no, it’s not all right”
    • “Vegas? Wanna get married by some Elvis impersonator?”
    • “How much is enough anyway?”
    • “No morals, but I got rules”
    • “Is everything or everybody really about their mothers?”
    • “I didn’t live 84 years to be nice to somebody I don’t like”
    • “I mean, there’s no way to know what it’s like until it happens to you.”
    • “First question. “What is today’s date?”” “A blonde with big tits and a hatful of Viagra.”
    • “Can’t I just be sad for a horse without some touchy-feely-Freudian-shit component to it?”
    • “It’s like some asshole is stalking the entire human race.”
    • “My wife prays to God. What kind of God does this shit?”
    • “Take it easy. Don’t do something you’re gonna regret.”
    • “I am like a visitor in my hometown. Life went on without me there.”
    • “I try to talk to her, but there is no communication, like with some people, you know what I mean?” “That’s what love is built on.” “Si.“
    • “So you’re not fucking him? So this isn’t really real.” “It is real. We communicate. He looks at me like I’m beautiful. He thinks I’m interesting when I talk. Just those few minutes when we see each other, I live for those. “I feel like my life is slipping through my fingers, that I will never be happy.” “If you haven’t slept with him yet, don’t.“
    • “For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Dominic and I am an alcoholic and an addict.” “Don’t forget – scumbag.”
    • “An intervention is a non-judgemental confrontation.”
    • “In 1997, I suffered a relapse. As in heroin addiction, alcoholics suffer a fairly high recidivism rate.” “Great. So he’s taking advice from a two time loser.”
    • “Well, I wish I knew your secret. Lose a leg and start making websites.” “That’s the whole purpose for people like me, to inspire people like you.“
    • “You got too much time to think of yourselves.”
    • “You should see yourself right now. In the shadows there, with the smoke all around you. You’re beautiful.”
    • “It’s a sin to waste good food.”
    • “That’s what I miss the most – talking to her.”

‘The Sopranos’: citatos, iš kurių išeis atpažinti save bei savo gyvenimą

  • “I don’t know, it’s different for women. It’s all about up here with them.”
  • “You’re at very important crossroads.  For once, you want to avod doing something you know is wrong and would be destructive, both to you yourself and to the people you care about. That’s growth. That’s progress.”
  • “I recall you used the words ‘drop-dead gorgeous’ about me and how you have to have me. And I said I wouldn’t date you, and look, you survived.”
  • “Frankly, you scored so far over your head when you got her, what do you expect?” “What the fuck are you talking about?” “She’s a knockout. A 10. And look at you – you’re average, at best. So you better reconcile yourself with that or you’re gonna be fucking paranoid for your whole life.“
  • “Where’s his fucking self-control, this guy?”
  • “Fuck me? Fuck you!”
  • “Even if it wasn’t true, that’s what people think.” <…> “Why do you care what people think? You know the truth.” “I gotta live in the world. <…>“
  • “Oh so you believe all that shit they’re saying? Am I that horrible? Really?”
  • “It’s never ending, your bullshit.”
  • “I know, everybody’s an idiot to you.”
  • “Wonderful, another crisis.”
  • “Does that mean you’ve thought about my dinner offer?” “I probably shouldn’t say this, but I have thought about nothing else since you called.”
  • “The funny thing is, I was sure he was gay. He sort of reminded me of you.”
  • “Why am I the only one held to any kind of standards?”
  • “I don’t do this a lot.” “Mm, do what?” “Sitting in a car, with a man, not really knowing what to do.”
  • “Mm, you with these books…” “Mm, education should never stop. It enriches all aspects of life.” “Hmm, I know.“
    • “I didn’t have my stuff with me so he puts his faggy hand on my shoulder and says “do your best.” “Well, that’s his job, to get you into college.” “Or maybe he’s just a big homo.”
    • “Jesus Christ, Tony, everybody’s a fag to you. You know, maybe you’re a fag. You ever think about that?”
    • “Yeah, believe it or not, I thought you fucking cared about me.”
    • “Whatever I say, whatever I do, because I was married to a man like Tony, my motives will always be called into question.”
    • “It’s hard doin’ business with strangers.”
    • “Can we get a dog?” “Please!” “I’ll walk him and I’ll pick up the poo and pee.” “Pee? Right. Start with your underwear.”
    • “At least she didn’t suffer. She made all of us suffer, instead.”
    • “I was in love with that woman. She was the reason I never married.”
    • “She never knew my feelings, what could I do. For years, I suffered in silence!”
    • “I’m also a TV writer, which by default, makes me a douche bag.”
    • “He got from this woman what he couldn’t get at home. Support. You know, love. A smile when you walk in the fucking door.”
    • „Not sexy exactly, but statuesque.”
    • “I’m such a good friend, how come I never see ya?”
    • “Relax, it’s an expression.” “Well, here’s another expression: you have five days to give me my money”
    • “Thought you were paying your phone bill.” “I should have, I know… but it’s been so long sinve I’ve been able to treat myself.”
    • “What is this fucking Pulp Fiction, am I supposed to be afraid?” “I don’t know, I didn’t see it.”
    • “But through it all, one thing remained constant: they had each other.”
    • “After all these years of marriage, you know what you find yourself thinking in your private moments? Please, God, let me die first. I don’t wanna miss him.”
    • “It’s a surprise party, Jun!” “What are we, children? Anyway, at our age it’s a surprise we’re still alive every morning”
    • “Tomorrow’s gonna be a mad house, just living hell.”
      • “Oh my goodness, what a bother. Excuse us for living!”
      • “An Italian allergic to pommodori? Dio mio! You have my sympathies!”
      • “Mer, my lovely bride. Still the prettiest girl in the world.” Thank you for putting up all of these years with me.”
      • “Nice to have money.”
      • “What time did you start drinkin’ today?” “Probably right after you got up.”
      • “He’ll be fine. He’s in love.”  “Oh please.” “You know what it’s like at that age. Can’t wait to see each other…  Can’t keep your hands off each other…“
      • “But historically, historical changes come out of war.”
      • “You’re a capable guy. Your mother let it slip one time: you got an IQ of 158.” “She told you that?” “It was the week you got tested. All the fucking nuns were raving about it.” “Lot of good it did for me.”
      • “Tell him I got fax machines coming out of my ass.”
      • “Well, first of all, we’re Italian – we don’t believe in divorce.”
      • “I want what I am entitled to.” “You’re entitled to shit.”
      • “Talk to married people. That ring, believe it or not, it’s got this kind of, like, weird power.”
      • You have options. I have a lawyer.”
      • Great to see you not exerting yourself in this heath.”
      • “When New Jersey tomatoes are in season, you can’t keep these New York guys away.” “Fuck the tomatoes, I’ll take the scarole.“
      • “First he gave her the emeralds, then he gave her the pearls.”
      • “I wish you had told me.” “Yeah, I wish you’d cured it.”
      • “I worry about him.” “He’s a grown man isn’t he?”
      • “Turns out I’m just a fucking robot to my own pussy-ass weakness.”
      • “It doesn’t make you mad, you make you mad.”
      • “What are your physical feelings right now?” “I’d like to punch you in the face.”
      • “Depression is rage turned inward.”
      • “That’s the whole, beautiful point. You know what they say: “Revenge is like serving cold cuts.” “Yeah, I think it’s “Revenge is a dish best served cold.”

‘The Sopranos’: citatos, iš kurių išeis atpažinti save bei savo gyvenimą

  • “You wanna kick me out of here?” “Well hospital stay cause a lot of money.” “My bowels don’t work. I’m in pain. I just got up with it for chrissake.” “Well, uh, perhaps your bowels would be working better if you hadn’t tried to eat the sausage sandwich on 3.28”
  • “Tony Soprano?” “Yeah.” “Original G. “Yeah, whatever. “
  • “Salvation isn’t just about being saved from hell after you die, it’s also about being saved from yourself while you’re still alive.”
  • “What, he’s saying the dinosaurs were back with Adam and Eve?” “I don’t know, I guess” “No way! With T-Rex in the garden, Adam and Eve would be running all the time scared shitless. But the Bible says it was paradise.”
  • “From now on, everyday is a gift.”
  • “Jesus, can we talk in this family about anything besides food?!”
  • “Should be a beautiful bride, Tony.” “All brides are beautiful.”
  • “I, Eric, take you Allegra <…>” “Allegra? Ain’t that a co-medicine?” “Means happiness in Italian.” “Fucks that got to do with co-medicine?”
  • “He’s a cancer. I can’t let it spread.”
  • “Even Cinderella didn’t cry!” ‘See, when it comes to our daughters, all bets are off.”
  • “You make your own luck in life.”
  • “People see only what you allow them to see.”
  • “Carmela, wait!” “Let her go! I had a lifetime of her bullshit!”
  • “Usual guys?” “Yeah, we’re boring.”
  • “I’m telling – my business – I’ve met a lot of women. That one – ain’t getting laid.”
  • “I don’t give too much of a shit what people do behind closed doors, with the consenting adults. But don’t forget – I’m a straight Catholic!”
  • “<…> some of inside me says: God bless, I salut, who gives a shit. But I had a second chance, why shouldn’t he?”
  • “You’ve been fucking talking about every day being a gift and stopping and smelling roses. But regular life’s kinda picking at it all the way out! Your house, the shit you own – it drives you out! Your kids, what they want! One bad idea after another!”
  • “Accentuate the positive, I want you to get better”
  • “I’m not gonna bring the sources… anyway, it’s all over the place”
  • “My cousin he married! And making the mockery out of the all sacrament!”
  • “You know certain people love the drama. Like fucking high school girls!”
  • “Regarded recent humiliations, it’s an honor to be joined by MEN.” – ep 7
  • “No blood!” “No blood” [tostas]
  • “I can’t believe this, you agreed on this in the hospital!” “Christopher, I was in a coma.”
  • “I could watch her walk away all night.” “Good, ‘cause like most girls with you, that’s what she’s gonna do.”
  • “But with business sometimes shit happens, the plain field changes, whatever, you gotta do whatever you gotta do to keep your income.” – ep 7
  • “It’s nice having this again.” “Well it’s supposed to be better than ‘nice’”
  • “I do what you guys want, do I deserve some kind of life?”
  • “Rebellious?“ „Just a little tolerance for boredom.”
  • “Must be lonely sometimes, being a writer.” “You get used to it.”
  • “There are different times. Young people today are bombarded with so much information, so much input of every kind. Consequently, true adulthood is delayed.”
  • “I guess your heart was in a right place, AJ. But it’s wrong.”
  • “It’s a movie. You gotta grow up. You’re not a kid anymore.”
  • “You were young. Stubborn.”
  • “Come on, Liz, you’re drunk.” “Drunk? It’s called – depression. I haven’t drunk in years.”
  • “My kid – it’ll be different. It’ll be proud of his house.”
  • “Oh, scumbag. I should’ve kicked his ass!” “Yeah, but what did you do? Nothing!”
  • “As I always say… man is not complete until he’s married.” – ep 9
  • “But we both know – no matter how much help I gave, you’d still be here fucking complaining.”
  • “God, he’s such a mope!”
  • “This Prince Albert? Still sleeping?”
  • “It makes Bob seem weak? Your sister, too? These are acts of kindness.”
  • „Fucking Janice attracts trauma, she queens the misery.”
  • “Can I go home to a peaceful house for one goddamn night?”
  • “He was fucking stalking you!” “That’s the thing with the gays.”
  • “Look at those clouds! Paris skies!”
  • “Father put it so well last week. There’s nothing gay about hell, he said.”
  • “Well you aren’t gonna go out with him, are you? He’s, like, 26 years old.” “Duh!”
  • “We worry so much, sometimes it feels like it’s all we do. But in the end it’s just washed away. All of it, it’s just… gets washed away!”
  • “Father always says: hate the sinner, love the sinner.”
  • “What you resent Carmela doing for AJ, protecting him from his father, is the very thing you had often wished your mother would have done for you.”
  • “You know what’s strange, Ro? When you go to a place you’ve never been before it’s, like, all the people were imaginary till you got there. Like, until you saw them, they never really existed and you didn’t exist to them.” “I don’t know, maybe… maybe you’re more philosophical person than I am…” “Nah, it just made me think, that’s all. That’s just as same as when you die. Life goes on without you. Like it does in Paris when we’re not here.”
  • “He’s dead, he’s gone… What can I do about it? Light a candle.”
  • “Your friend? Someone needs to tell her she’s dead.”
  • “What are we doing now?” “I don’t know. Can’t stop thinking about fucking you one more time.”
  • “You’re right. Guy’s got a lot more in his mind than this: like, whether or not have that third sandwich!”
  • “Nice piece that necklace, where’d you get it?” “The mall?” “Should’ve told me. I got a guy…” “And I gotta job.”
  • “I can tell you, Phill. You look fantastic!” “Is it science fiction?”
  • “Lemme tell you something. I’m a cranky fuck lately…” “Lately?!”

‘The Sopranos’: citatos, iš kurių išeis atpažinti save bei savo gyvenimą

  • “Thank god, I really didn’t wanna hang in over your birthday” “Look, can we forget already that it’s my birthday?” “You say that and then you get upset no one makes a fuss!”
  • “Speaking of kids and ma… Sandy said something interesting. That when we were babies, everything was fine, then ma couldn’t stand it as her babies got older and they got separated from her,  and when they started to talk and express ideas – that’s when the trouble started.”
  • “Listen to us! Morbid fucks…”
  • “You know what, Tony? Fuck the fuck out!” “Oh, in front of the baby?!”
  • “Oh… how was her name, Tony?” “Your ass.”
  • “That verbal diarrhea, you got something in that head of yours, Janice…”
  • “You two have a fight?” “I don’t know!”
  • “All in all. We’re lucky fucks. I tell myself that everyday.”
  • “Psychologically, one of persons told that dying is the ultimate loss of control.” <…> I do know he is a leader. I suspect smoking on some level is an attempt to die as he lived. In total control.”
  • “My weakness. Sometimes I think it’s in my DNA.”
  • “I know, but… this is what life’s still like? At our age?!”
  • “You seem good, Junior, I gotta say.” “Fuck does that mean, I’m fuckin’ incarcerated, for Christ’s sake.”
  • “Sick fucking world.”
  • “Oh, Madonn. He pisses in bed now? Jesus Christ fucking kill me now!”
  • “Corrado, how are you doing today?” “I’m dying slow death, that’s how I am doing.”
  • “That never works. She should just get him a dog.”[apie neklusnaus sūnaus siuntimą į karo mokyklą]
  • “Tony, you always have your business on your mind. Take a night. Smell the cognac!”
  • “You gotta act like it hurt a little more, you know. For your guys.”
  • “Your family’ had enough shame. You should set things right.”
  • “You see, how these Italians work. For the most part okay. Get them cornered – you’re dealing with nothing more than an animal.”
  • “Tragedy. Like a pebble in a lake. Even the fish feel it.”
  • “I love you.” I love you, too, Anthony. But I don’t know… maybe I don’t.”
  • “So your solutions is risk more and make things even worse?”
  • “You eat and you play, like there’s not a giant piano hanging by a rope just over the top of your head every minute of every day.”
  • “I know this is hard for you to believe, but food may not be the answer for every problem.” “Neither is acting like a little whiny bitch.“
  • “When I was using I was a disgrace, when I am sober I’m a drip. The fuck you want from me?”
  • “She was my life!” “You’re 20 years old, you barely have a life!”
  • “What you’re going through, what you’re feeling it right now… it happens sometimes. Everybody gets the blues… There’s a half-a-billion industry devoted to it!” “What, prozac?” “No, the music business. They write thousands of songs about this shit.”
  • “Listen, these fucking women… they’ll drive you nuts with your emotions and whatnots…”
  • “Majoring in cash, minoring in ass!”
  • “Obviously, I’m prone to depression. A certain black attitude about the world, but I know I can handle it. Your kids, though… It’s like when they’re little, and they get sick, you’d give anything in the world to trade places with them so they don’t have to suffer. And then to think you’re the cause of it.” “How are you the cause of it?” “It’s in his blood, this miserable fucking existence. My rotten fucking putrid genes have infected kid’s soul. That’s my gift to my son.”
  • “Pours you drink with one hand, judges you with the other if you take it.”
  • “I can’t go in particulars, but… wise girlfriends – they can complicate life in a major way.”
  • “How are you handling all this?” “Worst part? Truthfully? Is that I gotta sit there with people who ARE hurt. Bad. And I gotta have the long face in the silent in the platitude… but I don’t feel it. And that makes me feel like a hypocrite. And that makes me melt it down.”
  • “How are you hanging in, Paulolucc’?” “As well as it can be expected.”
  • “She doesn’t know… Isn’t God wonderful that way.”
  • “You sound depressed again.” “I mean, how can anybody not be? You have to be fucking nuts not to be! You have to have your head so far of your ass that you couldn’t see your own stupid face!” “What are you specifically talking about?” “Everything’s so fucked up…“
  • “For 20 years, he won’t crack a book, all of a sudden he’s the world’s foremost authority!”
  • “You don’t look so good.” “Ugh… this job!”
  • “We’d like to show you some pictures.” “Angelina Jolie I hope”
  • “The grieving process – it takes time. The closer you are to somebody.”
  • “A point where business bleeds into other shit, feelings make things financially unfeasible.”
  • “Do you have a problem?” “Not yet. Would you like one?”
  • „Essentially, it concludes that talk-therapy while not only being useless with sociopaths, actually serves to validate them. Yochelson says they sharpen their skills as conmen on their therapists.”
  • “It’s always what you think, isn’t it? It’s never how I feel!”
  • “This is gonna sound stupid. But I saw at one point that our mothers are… they’re bus drivers. They’re – no, they are the bus. See, they’re the vehicle that gets us here. They drop us off and go on their way. They continue on their journey. And the problem is that we keep trying to get back on the bus, instead of just letting it go.”
  • “Uncle Philly!” “Uncly Philly my ass.”
  • “What is this fascination with criminals?” “Rescue fantasy. They think they can fix them.”
  • “So the boy who never cared now cares about too much? And the daughter now like all females ultimately disappoints?” –
  • “What do you want from me? I am depressed.” “You wanna hear depressed? $36,000 for that car!”
  • “You’re not getting another one!” “Actually, that’s good. It’ll force me to take the bus.” “What?!” “We have to break our dependence on foreign oil.” – ep 21
  • “These are snakes with fur. The old Italians will tell you – you can’t even put them around a baby!” [apie katiną]
  •  “This fucking animal is history. Pick him up!”
  • “Maybe the army’d be great for him if there wasn’t a war going on.”
  • “Sometimes you tell a lie so long, you don’t know when to stop. You don’t know when it’s safe.”
  • “I miss you.” “I don’t wanna know you. I don’t wanna hear your voice. Don’t call me again.”
  • “You think my life’s a fucking picnic?”

‘The Sopranos’: citatos, iš kurių išeis atpažinti save bei savo gyvenimą

    • “Grieving is a process. Sometimes courage isn’t a value.”
    • “<…> the dead have nothing to say to us. It’s our own narcissism that makes us think they even care. It does get better with time.”
    • “Some men have to move at their own pace, Med.”
    • “Nobody knows what the future holds, my friend.”
    • “What am I gonna do, Ro?” “What’s there to do. A couple of months you’ll forget all about him.” “I don’t know if I can…”
    • “She’s becoming a wonderful woman, Carm. Smart, beautiful, independent woman that you created.” [Tony savo žmonai Carmellai apie dukrą Meadow]
    • “More is lost by indecision than by wrong decision, that’s all I’m saying.”
    • “Yes, I’m a piece of shit which the world every morning pushes out of its butt.”
    • “Divorce is very hard for children. After this they don’t trust. I’m a child of divorce.”
    • “Those fucking phones. We were better off years ago.”
    • “Well, don’t worry, I’m going to hell when I die.”
    • “Can I tell you something, Tony?” “Don’t prentend like I got choice.”
    • “Who knew all this time you wanted Tracy and Hepburn?” [po daug metų santuokos]
  • “Marriage can be very hard work if both aren’t pulling that load.”
  • “They paint everything the worst, these news people.”
  • “Oh, let’s face it, Lowenstein, women are more devious than men.” [filmas]
  • “Her questions make me as dizzy as her perfume.”
  • “Lot of changes since you went away. Twenty years, Madon’” “You know what the biggest change for me is? Broads shaving their bushes.”
  • “All I’m saying is if you get some extra responsibilities, you should extra benefits, too.”
  • “Enjoy it, girls! I’ve been enjoying it looking at you all night!” “Get some fucking glasses…”
  • “Life’s too short, Chrissy. You can’t waste it fighting with your friends.”
  • “I don’t think you get this. I want you.” “And that’s very flattering to me.”
  • “I just wish my mother could’ve seen it.” “Well, wherever she is, I’m sure she’s proud.” “Actually, I think I know exactly where she is , and it’s pretty fucking hot.”
  • “He’s a good kid, huh? Smart.” “Fucking weirdo if you ask me.”
  • “You goddman clown.”
  • “Hello? Oh, that’s terrible. Where’s he gonna be laid out?” „Who now? Goddammit…”
  • “Anthony. Anthony, did I ever tell you I want to be cremated?” “About four times.”
  • “Lorraine, you’re looking good!” “Yeah, keeping it together with Pilates and gin.”
  • “Oh, I swear, you still look exactly the same!” “Oh, so you’re still full of shit?”
  • “Jesus you’re back on your feet already?” “You hit the ground running and then you don’t look back, huh?”
  • “Oh, God. All these years and you could get nothing!” [skyrybos]
  • “Marriage is beautiful in the beginning, but two, three years later…” “You’d think there’d be some romance, at least.” “Janice, you’re a newlywed!” “I know. Six months, and Bobby still hasn’t found my rosebud.”
  • “God, is that all you think about, is your fucking working?”
  • “I am being, like, ripped apart here just snitching on people. For what? What do I get out of it?”
  • “And nowhere but the FBI is the line clearer between the good guys and the bad guys. And you’re with the good guys now.” “Wow. Jesus…“
  • „Listen to you. Why you always talk like a whore?” “Because men like it.”
  • “I tell you, I’m having a fucking time. Stay out late, come home drunk, fuck anyone I want.” “Yeah, so what’s the difference?” “I don’t know. It’s a mindset.”
  • “I wanna be absolutely fucking sure, that’s what I wanna do!”
  • “Who knows why people do what they do.”
  • “Here he is, Mr Clean”
  • “Look, Bobby, marriage or any partnership, for that matter, is a give and a take.”
  • “Jason, men are talking here.”
  • “Get your coat and we’re leaving.” “I don’t have a coat.” “Then get movin’, goddammit.”
  • “He’s a goddamn hothouse flower, that’s his problem.”
  • “If anyone cares, I’ll be upstairs lying down .”
  • “Now I gotta unfuck what you just fucked up!”
  • “He may have Alzheimer’s, I don’t know.” “Good, maybe he’ll forget my phone number.”
  • “Well, there’s fucking compromises in life, Paulie.”
  • “Just take your medicine, Uncle Jun. Make you feel better. Help with your memory.” “Believe me, there’s plenty I’d like to forget.” “Yeah, you and me both.”
  • “He’s old. How do you think that feels?”
  • “I’m so worried, I’m not angry anymore.”
  • “She’s covering him. That’s what sisters are supposed to do.”
  • “And don’t call me ‘godfather’ with that cute fuckin’ smirk”
  • “Jesus Christ, Feech, I’m trying to ease your transition here and this is the thanks I get?”
  • “You gotta remember, I still think of you as a kid. I’ll learn.”
  • “They all handle tragedy differently.”
  • “So you were married?” “For about, well, five minutes”
  • “Only thing better than in Russia is the food.”
  • “What do you gotta be stressed about? That bar?” “War, Christopher. The Middle East.”
  • “Listen, don’t say anything to anybody, okay? You know, people hear cancer, they start to bury you already”